Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Back in PGN ..... Can you believe it?

Yep, you read it right. We're back in because they misspelled my name on our final adoption decree - the PGN ERROR has cost us atleast a week....because our lawyer has to wait for them to get around to revising the decree. So, we wait again. Doesn't ANYONE proof-read anything? Good gosh.....

Obviously, I am so bummed about this that I just don't know what to do....I know it seems minor in the grand scheme of things but I can't believe this has happened.



Shelly said...


I am so sorry! You would think they would have your names, addresses, etc memorized for as long as your file was in PGN. Goodness!!!

Praying they get the decree corrected soon!


Aileen said...

Sorry to hear about yet another delay. I hope they will get in fixed faster than expected and that you will be bringing your baby home soon!

Unknown said...

Oh, Kristi! I'm so sorry. I hope this is resolved very quickly and that Sidney is home shortly. Have you picked out her Halloween Costume?

terri s said...

I continue to be amazed at the incompetencies of that place! I totally understand your need to regroup and be still/silent. HOWEVER, you will be missed, but you will have numerous prayers lifted up for you during this time. Take heart, this is not a surprise to God, he is in control.
hugs to you,
terri in virginia

Barb said...

OH man! At least this time you know the error and know that you are still OUT! I hope that once Syd is in your arms forever you can forget about all this PGN nonsense.

Anonymous said...

Girl...I posted to ya on the boards, but just in case you were serious about taking a break (and I HOPE YOU WERE NOT!) I thought I'd come here too.

I don't even know what to say. This is just the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. My heart just breaks for you and Alan. Please know that I'm thinking about you both and praying that this just ends SOON.


Bethany said...

I am so sorry that this happened to you! Of all things! Hopefully, it will get fixed immediately and you will get Sydney home soon. Hang in there!

Stacie said...




COME ON!! You would think AS LONG as you guys have been in that EVERYBODY IN THE BUILDING would know you by name and how to spell it!! Sheesh!!

Praying these last days FLY by and Sydney is home in no time!

Kim said...

No, NOBODY proofs ANYTHING in GT. Of this I am CONVINCED! If they proofed anything, ALL of our previos (count 'em 4) would NEVER have happened. Sometimes I wonder why we even have attorneys. INSANE! I hope they get the correct version soon!

Unknown said...

First of all, congratulations on finally getting OUT! I don't get online much and I missed that one. I am so sorry about the typo!
I am beginning my prayers that you get your Sayaxché BC ASAP. No one deserves to wait as long as we did for ours.
Take care,

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry. UGH! I can't believe that!!! Hopefully they will rush it through quick since it was their error.

Unknown said...

I am just at a total loss for words. I am praying even harder, because I can't imagine you and Alan having to endure this...over and over again! (((((HUGS)))))