Birthmother Interview
Please pray for us to get a date for our birthmother interview soon. We're on date #3 and praying that it'll be set in the next few days. Our birthmother lives about 9 hours from the city. The lawyer will need 3-4 days notice to get her to the city and be prepped for the interview. At this point it probably won't happen before next week. Things continue to drag on and we need this interview to be set and done sooooooon!!!!
Please pray................................
Ok Kristi, I am praying HARD that your birthmom can make this trip to GC.
Praying your birthmother makes it to GC. Sydney is adorable and will come home one day soon! Hang in there.
You know I am praying! It is GOING TO HAPPEN!
love you.
Praying hard that God will order the steps of this process. That God will get her there, prepped, calmed, engaged, and then safely back home. God will answer ours prayers on this and get this case moving. We are here for ya!
terri in virginia
p.s. what in the Chicken Bus are you doing in UT territory!?!?! :~)
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