What a FABULOUS weekend!! A weekend that was GREATLY needed by EVERYONE in my house!!! A weekend without adoption stress, just FUN IN THE SUN!!! And I MEAN SUN!!!
We started out with a trip to Chattanooga on Saturday morning. We spent the day with Tammy and family. Hanging out, eating, watching Amanda play in a softball tourney....did I mention eating!!! It was a blast. Amanda is a R*O*C*K*I*N' ball player and I love to watch her!!! Unfortunately, I kept forgetting my camera so the pics are limited!!! Boohoo!!!
After a LOOOOONG, HOT, STINKY DAY and a VERY LATE DINNER, we went North to Knoxville. Luke slept on a sleeper sofa for the first time......and finally decided that it was fun!!! We had decided to spend Sunday, Alan's 6th Father's Day, hanging out with Chad and Courtney at Hunter's soccer tourney. It was sooooo much fun and SOOOOOO HOT!!! We just kicked back and went with it. Hunter's team did great but had their elimination loss on Sunday afternoon. I think if she'd have showered at the TRUCK STOP, they would have beat them!! (Love ya Hunter!!!) We left K'ville around 1:45 and Luke was CRASHED before we pulled out of the gas station parking lot!!! That boy played HARD!!!! On our way, we decided to stop off in Scottsboro and hang out at Courtney/Chad's lake house!!! We ate at BuenaVista Mexican Restaurant (yummy) and headed to the lake!!!
So, we get to the lake, and it's a beautiful place that Chad and Brad's families have!! It was TOTALLY relaxing and PERFECT!!! We got a tour of both houses and I told Alan that even though I had been telling him to hush about living at the lake, maybe it wasn't such a bad idea afterall!!! He thought it was a great idea!!! :-) The kids all changed into their swimsuits and went down about FIVE MILLION steps to the lake(my thighs and calves thank you today - NOT!!)....LET THE FUN BEGIN!!!! As most of you know, AJ is my CaUtIoUs kid!!! Always has been. The lake UNLEASHED THE BEAST!!! He put on a life jacket, a pink flowery one at that, and showed us a side we'd never seen before!!!! WOW! He was flipping off the dock into the water. Driving/riding this HUGE jet ski and having a BLAST!!!! Luke was a little more....uhm.........CAREFUL!!! After his little water incident a few weeks ago, he's been paying more attention to the water. But, Hunter jumped in and he was happy to get in with her. He floated around some and did NOT like the jet ski......NO WAY, NO HOW!!!! Luke wanted on the pontoon boat and stayed there as he just watched everything around him....soaking it all in. Watching the kids in the water, on the jet ski, on the dock.....just hanging out! Alan and I just enjoyed being there, together, without any pressure. Relaxing more than we had in a while. It was a great day and we cannot wait to go back to hang out for a whole day soon!!!
We love you honey and pray that next Father's Day will be the best ever.....with all THREE of our kids at home!!!! You are a fabulous Daddy and husband. I love you!!!
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