Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Waiting ANOTHER 9 days (edited)

Region says that our new and improved Birth Certificate will NOT be ready for pick up
Unless we can beg USE in GC for an appointment date earlier than whatever we are given, she MIGHT -----MIGHT ---- be home for Thanksgiving.....if we are lucky. Looks like we'll miss her birthday......
another birthday.
It's 5 O'clock somewhere, right?
Dear Anonymous - Not sure if the "T" you are referring to is the "T" that I think it is or not. If so, I'm not sure what you mean about next week. You might be a bit behind. She is flattered that you thought of her though.......


Anonymous said...

That is awful, so 9 days is 24th, um, no one works on Friday's in Guat. I hope its not another stall. That is less then 4 weeks until T-day, shaking my head for you. At least you can send down a care package with T next week. Hang on the ride has to stop soon.

Michelle Smiles said...

If you are making the trek up for the picnic on the 25th, I'll pour some drinks for you. Ugh...this process is so horrible!

Anonymous said...

Kristi, this stinks! Sorry you have to hurt so much. No one should have to deal with all the pain you have had.

At least you can have "B" send down
something, better her than "E", cause she has that problem with that AP stalking her. Leaving strange "anonymous" comments all over town. What kind of person would do that?

There are children suffering in Guat that need to come home to the loving families waiting for them.

It will happen. You're almost there. Hang in there.

Shannon said...

I am so sorry that you very possibly will miss her b-day and Thanksgiving. It is totally not fair. I totally sucks beyond comprehension. It seems like you don't ever catch a break. Ugh. I will be praying that God will help you have peace and not be overhwhelmed with anger and frustration. I can't imagine. I am still praying for some miracle movement. Maybe you will be able to get a quick cancellation appointment. I don't know what has to happen, but I am praying it does.


Unknown said...

UGH, my post didn't show up.

This absolutely stinks. Really, a couple more weeks for them to write up the BC? Unless things have changed, those BC's from Sayaxché are HANDWRITTEN. It should take someone 2 minutes to do it. They had BETTER not be stalling again like they did last year.

Please let me know if you need us Sayaxché moms to start rallying again. We will gladly make all the noise we can for you. I'll alert the others now so they are prepared if the need arises.

HUGS to you and your family. Sydney WILL come home.
