Saturday, October 25, 2008

Sorry to keep you all waiting...

The fam is in Pigeon Forge and then heading over to the Alabama/UT game tonight. We just got access to the internet.....We still don't really know much.
We did get an email from the lawyer. The region says the BC is ready and he sent his courier to get it. The courier left on Thursday morning and it's about a 10-12 hour trip. Unfortunately with the tropical depression that just stalled out over that area a week or so ago, the roads are really bad and the river is still very high. Lawyer supposedly spoke to courier Friday morning and the guy still had not reached Sayaxche.
Lawyer was hoping to hear something by last night but cell service is spotty at best in the area. We're hoping to hear on Monday that the BC has been delivered and we'll be well on our way to homecoming by mid week next week.
Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh, another weeked of waiting. I'm used to it now.....don't like it but used to it. I do honestly feel that the end is in sight......I hope and pray anyway...........


Jodi Crubaugh said...

You are right! The end IS in sight! Enjoy the ball game, and just know that your baby will be home soon!

Beth in MN said...

Here's to safe travel for the courier. I hope you have the BC by Monday.

Stacie said...

Hope you receive the good news you have been waiting for tomorrow! It's been way to long and you need your little girl home!

Shannon said...

Praying you get the BC call on Monday!