I believe I am being prepared
Prepared for the day that Sydney comes home.
Ok, I admit it. I am a BLOG WATCHING JUNKIE!!! I use bloglines to track all my favorite blogs and I enjoy watching others families antics, moments, and most of all....I enjoy really becoming friends with them. Even if through cyberspace. Now, having said that, please don't think I am so kind of stalker freak.....really I'm not. I just choose this way to stay connected.
Well, imagine my surprise this morning when I go check out the blogs of my "peeps" and there are 3 or 4 entries regarding transition. Unfortunately, they were a little disheartening with all the descriptions but they were REAL. They were TRUE. They were SCARY! BUT, they were very well possibly going to be our REALITY with Sydney. It made me realize what I had know could happen in my head, could actually really, truly happen. And my heart is more than likely going to break into a million pieces for her. My heart will ache to hold her and make it alright and she might not let me. She might not even like me. But I am prepared for that possibility. She is my daughter and I have fought a good fight to get her home. I will do everything in my power to make her feel safe and secure. Loved and wanted.
We've been waiting for our new birth certificate for a grand total of 8 business days. That's all - 8. We have been told 3-4 weeks for it to be issued and ready to be submitted for the final steps to homecoming. We are doing some serious hoping and praying that the timeline is true. If it is, that puts pick up at EARLY/MID OCTOBER!!!! YEEEEEEEEHAW!!!!
The transition with Sydney may truely be a rough road(hell on earth) but you my friend are a STRONG woman and will be just fine! I have complete faith in that. So don't freak yourself out now take the last couple of weeks as a family of 4 and make some memories. Pretty soon the whole household will be flipped upside down with a little Guataprincess holding the reins. Much Ducky Love my friend!
It won't be easy she knows her fostermom as her Mom, in pictures its obvious that she is very attached to her, this will benefit you, down the line, she will attach again. Please read as many attachment parenting books as possible. Expect this not to be a quick fix, it normally for a 2 year old to endure the loss she will endure will take from 9-24 months before she settles into her new life. Please be strong and prepared, get your ducky ducks in order now so you can focus on her, she will be your main "job". Good luck.
Linda (followed you from ducky land too)...
I am praying for transition for you guys...and that you get to start this transition ASAP and get that BC! Do you have the book Toddler Adoption--You have probably read a small library of books by now. Though I would prepare for a long, hard road for transition, maybe things will go better than you think.
I don't know you but saw your post/blog on Lindsey Wheeler's and saw that you are in N.AL. I just came home 2 weeks ago w/ my 2 Guate princesses and I live in Madison. We have to meet!
Lindsey and I were roomies for 7 weeks in Guate.
I'm not going to lie....bringing Essie home has been the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. She has had issues I never dreamt of, BUT she is home. I just take it one day at a time..... Some moments are definitely better than others, but we just hang tough. Call me if you need to talk.... I sure understand.
I will be praying for you guys and Sydney for an easy transition. I'm sure it's going to be a little rough, but your ENORMOUS love for her will overcome the struggles. It will take time for Sydney to understand what is happening in her life, but she will adjust and you guys will be such a strong family unit. Hang in there and know that I will be praying for you.
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