Tuesday, July 8, 2008

MIL's MRI Results

Are GOOD!! They DID get ALL of the tumor on her brain!!! Once the pathology report comes in, the oncologist will start laying out the plan for chemo/radiation. Faye is still in quite alot of pain from the surgery, so they are keeping her pretty sedated. She is also struggling with the fact that she's had to have part of her hair shaved and will likely lose the rest once the treatments begin. Fortunately, her best friend Linda brought her a couple beautiful wigs that she had used she when she went through the same thing a few years ago. Not to mention the GORGEOUS scarves that are available.
Please pray for peace for Faye in this area. I can't imagine going through this but she's facing it head on again. Also please pray that Sydney will be home VERY SOON!!! As always, I will keep the blog updated as information becomes available to us.


Allison said...

I am glad the MRI looks good. I am hoping that her chemo is short and easy as possible.


Jodi Crubaugh said...

prayers to you.

Sweet To Our Seoul said...

That is good news!!
I have been where you are, as my husband's dad had brain cancer several years ago. It is not an easy road. Your family will be in my prayers!


Whitney said...

Praying for you sister and your family!