Saturday, July 5, 2008

The latest on my MIL has come in -- NOT GOOD NEWS

They did more tests yesterday and the results have been given. Not only does she have the tumor on her brain, she has suspicious spots on her liver and on her bones. The outlook right now is not good at all. We are all in absolute shock that it's come to this.
Sydney needs to be at home ASAP!! Please pray that someone somewhere will see the urgency in this and let my daughter come home!!!! Please keep us in your prayers.....we're about to face alot of things that we didn't expect. I will update as I can. Thanks!


LouLou said...

I am so sorry, Kristi and Alan. Know that we are all praying for Alan's mom and all of you. Can you get someone to go to PGN and explain the situation? If you have a doctor's letter maybe Jorge could take it.... Let me know if I can help on that front.

love you and praying.....

Michelle Smiles said...

I'm sorry...too much for anyone to have to process. I will keep both your MIL and Sydney in my thoughts.

Kim said...

Saying prayers and keeping your family in our thoughts.

Jodi Crubaugh said...

I am praying for you all.